SOS Security is committed to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all employees.
So far as is reasonably practicable, the Company will ensure that employees are not put at risk whilst on Company business. Risk Assessments will be carried out for all Company operations. Consultation will take place with client to identify any hazards associated with the business. Safe systems and controls will be implemented as appropriate and specialist advice will be obtained if necessary.
The Company will provide such information, instruction, training and supervision necessary to enable employees to carry out their duties in a safe manner and contribute positively to Health & Safety at Work.
The aim of the Health & Safety policy is to minimize risk and prevent accidents. All accidents will be recorded, investigated and reported to meet legal requirements. Risk Assessments/Systems of Work will be reviewed and revised as appropriate following all accidents.
The Company will ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, that the Health & Safety of clients or other persons are not adversely affected by it’s activities, and that employees and others are kept aware of health and safety arrangements and legislation that affect them.
The Company will review and revise the Health & Safety Policy Statement and Risk Assessments annually or earlier in the event of a significant change of condition.
Employees have significant responsibilities in regard to Health & Safety. Successful implementation of the policy requires co-operation of staff at all levels. Duties and responsibilities are detailed in each Assignment instructions document.
© Copyright 2024-2029 SOS Security Services Limited - Registered in England - Companies House Reg No: 03722104
Registered office: Unit 10/C, Campus Road, Listerhills Park of Science & Commerce, Bradford, West Yorkshire BD7 1HR